Diyuntang Red Bean, Barley and Gorgon Tea (set of 2 boxes = 60 bags)


It removes dampness and eliminates edema, and tastes sweet and not astringent. Red bean, barley and gorgon fruit tea is a kind of tea with red beans, barley and gorgon fruit as the main raw materials. It has many rich nutritional values ​​and benefits.

The efficacy and function of red bean barley and Gorgon tea,
1. Red bean, barley and Gorgon tea has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying. It can help remove excess heat and toxins from the body, help improve microcirculation in the body, and reduce skin problems such as inflammation and acne.

2. Red bean, barley, and Gorgon tea also has diuretic and swelling effects. The active ingredients in barley and Gorgon can promote urine excretion and effectively relieve edema. For people who are often troubled by moisture or have urinary tract infections, drinking red bean, barley and Gorgon tea can have a certain relief effect.

3. Red bean, barley, and Gorgon tea also has certain effects on weight loss and beauty. The dietary fiber in red beans and barley can help increase satiety and reduce energy intake, thereby helping to control weight. The antioxidants, vitamin E and other ingredients can help repair skin tissue, improve skin elasticity, and keep the skin moist and smooth.

4. Red bean, barley and Gorgon tea also help regulate women’s physiological health. The active ingredients in barley and gorgon seeds can regulate the function of the female endocrine system and relieve problems such as menstrual pain and irregular menstruation. For female friends, drinking red bean, barley and gorgon seeds tea can have a certain conditioning effect.

5. Red bean, barley and Gorgon tea can also help improve the function of the digestive system. The cellulose and plant colloids in red beans can promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation. At the same time, the barley and gorgon seeds also have the effect of protecting the stomach and have a certain effect on relieving symptoms such as stomach cold and stomach pain.

👍Red bean barley and Gorgon tea has many functions and effects, such as clearing away heat and detoxification, diuresis and swelling, weight loss and beauty, regulating women’s physiological health, and improving digestive system function. It is suitable for many people to drink.

‼ ️2-3 weeks to arrive‼ ️

Payment and Pickup Methods (details)

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