Special Hericium 🍄


Heavy moisture makes people feel listless😪 . If you want to improve the problem , you might as well eat more spleen-strengthening ingredients. This time we recommend a mushroom with good medicinal value👍 and affordable price : Hericium.

It’s easy to make money for women🧍🏻‍♀️ 💰If you buy cosmetics and jewelry💍 , you can spend a fortune. But the smart queen 💃🏻 knows how to use it externally and internally, and knows how to cook some health-preserving soups and drinks. Wow😱 , the temperament of a fruit really comes from the inner beauty🤩 , so you can.

The special grade Hericium is golden in color, beautiful in shape, and fully hairy. It is the highest grade product👍🏻 . The meat of Hericium erinaceus is tender and fragrant 😋 and ranks among the 4️⃣ famous dishes in China (along with bear paws, sea cucumbers and shark's fins), so it is known as "mountain delicacies Hericium, seafood bird's nest" and "vegetarian meat" 🏆 .

Eating Hericium erinaceus regularly 🍄 can enhance immunity 💪 💪 if you are not sick , and can treat diseases if you are sick. Hericium erinaceus🍄 is mild in nature and sweet in taste. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen and stomach, calming the mind, aiding digestion, and nourishing the body. It is especially suitable for people with poor gastrointestinal problems. Although peony is good, it must be supported by green leaves. In addition to Hericium, other ingredients include figs, yam, wolfberry seeds, and white lotus seeds. Each has different effects. For example, figs can strengthen the spleen and intestines, and yam can nourish qi and yin. , nourish the spleen, lungs and kidneys, etc. Even if you only make vegetarian soup, it tastes sweet and refreshing, and the whole family can enjoy it. If you want to increase the sweet taste, you can add 🐷half a pound of lean meat

👩🏻‍🍳Recipe recommendation (1)

🍄Hericium Soup🍄 _

Ingredients: (serves 4 people)

2 Hericium mushrooms

4 figs

Huaishan 1 両

Wolfberry 1 両

White lotus seeds 1 䡡

Half a pound of lean meat (or make vegetarian soup)

💁‍♀️Method :

1. Soak the hericium in clean water for 20 minutes, then wash and set aside.

2. Wash other ingredients with clean water. If you want to add lean meat, please boil it in water first and set aside.

3. Add 2,000 ml of water to the pot, put all the ingredients into the pot and bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over medium heat for 1.5 hours.

4. Finally add appropriate amount of salt and enjoy.

♨️Efficacy :

🉐Anti -aging, benefiting the five internal organs, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and improving resistance

💁🏼‍♀How to soak Hericium for hair🌟

Wash the Hericium mushrooms and soak them in water. Change the water at least 8 times, more is better. Every time you change the water, squeeze out the water from the Hericium mushrooms and soak them in clean water to better remove the bitter taste.

Hericium mushroom benefits:

✅Improve spleen and stomach

✅Soothing mind puzzle

✅Nourish and strengthen the body

✅Reduce blood cholesterol

✅Regulate blood lipids

✅Improve human immunity

👩🏻‍🍳Recipe recommendations (2)

【Hericium Mushroom Fish Maw Chicken Soup】


2-3 Hericium erinaceus

Huaishan 10 yuan

Polygonatum odoratum 20g

Lily 20g

20g round meat

2-3 tablespoons of wolfberries

1 piece of tangerine peel

Chicken/1 black-bone chicken

2 candied dates

Water 3L


1) The fish maw is ready and set aside.

2) Wash Hericium erinaceus and set aside.

3) Soak the tangerine peel until soft, scrape and set aside.

4) Clean the black-bone chicken, boil it in water and set aside.

5) Soak other materials and set aside.

6) Pour water into the pot, put all the ingredients except fish maw and wolfberry into the pot, simmer over high heat for 30 minutes, reduce to low heat and simmer for 1 hour, add fish maw and wolfberry, simmer for 30 minutes, add salt to taste, Finish.

Or put all the ingredients into a stew pot and simmer for 3 hours. (The amount of ingredients and water needs to be adjusted by yourself.

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