Sulfur-free raw sun-dried yam (one pound)


🉐 💯Strengthens the spleen and stomach, suitable for all seasons

🉐Soup and porridge are all available

🉐Adults👨🏻 👩🏻Children👦🏻 🧒🏻Everyone can eat it _ _

1️⃣The effect of lowering blood sugar🉐

Huaishan contains mucus protein, which has the effect of lowering blood sugar and can be used to treat diabetes. It is a good dietary therapy for diabetics.

2️⃣The effect of prolonging life🉐

Huaishan contains a large amount of mucus proteins, vitamins and trace elements, which can effectively prevent the precipitation of blood lipids on the blood vessel walls, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and achieve the effects of strengthening the mind, calming the nerves, and prolonging life.

3️⃣The effect of nourishing the kidneys and replenishing essence🉐

Huaishan is tonic but not hot, warm but not dry. It is most suitable for the needs of the elderly. Regular consumption is beneficial and harmless.

4️⃣Strengthens the spleen and stomach and aids digestion🉐

Huaishan contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which are beneficial to promote digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

5️⃣The effect of benefiting the lungs and relieving cough🉐

Huaishan contains saponins and mucus, both of which can nourish the lungs. Regular consumption of yam can relieve coughs, nourish lung yin, and treat symptoms such as lung deficiency, phlegm, and chronic cough.

💕Soup recipe suggestions💞

‼ ️Fig , Lotus Seed and Lily Huaishan Soup ‼ ️


5 figs

Lotus seeds 40g

Lily 40g

Huaishan 100g

slices of ginger


1. Wash all materials

2. Add all the ingredients, bring to a boil, then turn to low heat and simmer for 45 minutes, add salt to taste and finish

‼ ️Huaishan carrot, chestnut and pork ribs soup ‼ ️


Huaishan 100g

1 carrot

20 chestnuts

1 pound of pork ribs


1. First peel and wash the chestnuts

2. Wash and peel the carrots

3. Huaishan wash

4. Chop the spareribs into pieces and boil them in water

5. Add all the ingredients, bring to a boil, then turn to low heat and cook for 2.5 minutes, add salt to taste and finish.

‼ ️ Arrival next week‼ ️

Payment and Pickup Methods (details)

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