Thailand🇹🇭 Top quality raw sun-dried longan meat (half pound)


Specially selected from Thailand 🇹🇭 , with good meat quality and beautiful color, it is really suitable for both adults and children 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 . It can be used to make soup at home🍲 🉐It is sweet and nutritious, and it can be used as a drink in the office to replenish blood, beautify and refresh the body. It is a great choice for children Snacks are all🉐

🉐Warming and nourishing: Drinking more longan tea can improve brain power and improve physical weakness and coldness.

🉐Breast enlargement: Traditional Chinese medicine says that women control blood energy. Women who often eat osmanthus have a rosy complexion and plump figure. Therefore, many breast enhancement supplements use longan as a match.

🉐Sleep : Traditional Chinese medicine says that longan has the effects of calming the mind and nourishing the heart, nourishing blood and spleen, and is very suitable for people with long-term insomnia.

🉐Blood enrichment: It can improve cardiovascular circulation, stabilize mental status, and relieve stress and tension. Longan is rich in glucose, sucrose, protein and a variety of vitamins and trace elements. It has good nourishing and tonic effects and can be used to treat frailty or mental decline after illness.

💁🏻‍♀️Longan , red dates and lotus seed soup

[Ingredients] 8 longan, 10 red dates, 20 lotus seeds, 3 tremella, 1 tablespoon brown sugar (15g).

[Preparation] Soak white fungus for hair, remove yellow roots, and soak lotus seeds for hair. Wash the longan meat, red dates, lotus seeds, and white fungus with water, put them into the pot together, pour 1000 ml of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat, and continue to simmer for 20 minutes. After cooking, add brown sugar while hot and stir well before serving

[Function] Nourishes qi and blood, nourishes the heart and spleen, calms the mind, and treats insomnia, forgetfulness, and palpitation.

💁🏻Longan meat and red dates drink

[Main Ingredients] 15 grams of longan meat, 15 grams of black fungus, 15 red dates, and appropriate amount of rock sugar.

[Preparation] Soak the longan meat, fungus and red dates, put them in a bowl, add rock sugar and water, and steam for 30 minutes.

[Function] Nourishes yin and activates blood, replenishes qi and nourishes blood; effective in treating anemia, vertigo, irregular menstruation, insomnia, and menopausal syndrome

🗄Best storage method: Please store in 0°C-4°C refrigerator

💁‍♀️Recommended eating methods: soup🍲 / baked water/ready to eat

🌍Origin : Thailand

‼ ️ Arrival next week‼ ️

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