出口日本 🇯🇵 電加熱 發熱護腕



🌟守護腕部小能手來啦!熱敷護腕,你的溫暖小確幸💕!手腕酸痛拜拜~ 這款超實用發熱熱敷護腕來襲! 🌈

     材質是OK布,耐用透氣,讓溫暖呼吸起來☁️! 🔥 三檔控溫,45℃到65℃隨心調,溫暖由你掌控🔧! 🔌 USB插電超方便,可以連結插座🔌,充電寶,電腦等,隨時隨地享受溫暖~!

     🌿 艾草熱敷,固定支撐,不只是熱敷,更是腕部的小小按摩師! 💆‍♀️🏥 有效修復腕部損傷,保健腕部,給手腕一個溫柔的抱抱! 🤗

產品材質: Ok布


⚠️由於商品照片燈光因素及商品顏色在不同電子 產品所顯示時亦有色差情況,所以一切以收到實物為準
⚠️根據測量方法,可能存在±2-3 厘米的誤差
🔹同事經messenger通知到貨,到貨後請於2星期內取貨 (食物請於指定期限內取貨)
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Website (Fashion): https://seoulc9fashion.com/
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==⚠️ Disclaimer⚠️==
1. The goods can be parallel imported goods
2. All post content is for sharing and reference purposes only. In order to avoid confusion, all trademarks or copyrights belong to the holders of the relevant product brand trademarks, please note.
3. Due to the lighting factors of the product photos and the color of the product when displayed on different electronic products, there are also color differences, so everything is subject to the actual product received
4. Depending on the measurement method, there may be an error of ±2-3 cm
5. The arrival of air/sea freight may be delayed due to various unknown factors. Once all goods are ordered, there is no cancellation/return/exchange.
6. If there is any damage or dent in the outer box of the product packaging during transportation, but it does not affect the consumption/use of the product itself, or there is a chance that the outer box is not preset for shipment, our company will not make any replacement or refund.
7. The above information and outer box packaging are for reference only. The original factory has the right to replace the outer box of the product with a new one, and the actual product shall prevail.